CAnalyticOrder | Represents an extension of Order introducing analytic information, e.g |
CAuthToken | Authorization token and encapsulates information about the authorization scheme and its associated value |
CCandle | Candle event with open, high, low, close prices and other information for a specific period |
CCandleAlignment | Candle alignment attribute of CandleSymbol defines how candle are aligned with respect to time |
CCandleExchange | Exchange attribute of CandleSymbol defines exchange identifier where data is taken from to build the candles |
CCandlePeriod | Period attribute of CandleSymbol defines aggregation period of the candles |
CCandlePrice | Price type attribute of CandleSymbol defines price that is used to build the candles |
CCandlePriceLevel | Candle price level attribute of CandleSymbol defines how candles shall be aggregated in respect to price interval |
CCandleSession | Session attribute of CandleSymbol defines trading that is used to build the candles |
CCandleSymbol | Symbol that should be used with DXFeedSubscription class to subscribe for Candle events |
CCandleSymbolAttribute | Attribute of the CandleSymbol |
CCandleType | Type of the candle aggregation period constitutes CandlePeriod type together its actual value |
CCommonPromiseMixin | Mixin for wrapping calls to common promise methods |
CDay | Day represents a continuous period of time approximately 24 hours long |
CDayFilter | A filter for days used by various search methods |
CDirection | Direction of the price movement |
►CDXEndpoint | Manages network connections to feed or publisher |
CBuilder | Builder class for DXEndpoint that supports additional configuration properties |
Cdxfc_dxendpoint_property_t | The simple key-value structure that represents an endpoint's property |
CDXFeed | Main entry class for dxFeed API (read it first) |
CDXFeedSubscription | Subscription for a set of symbols and event types |
CDXPublisher | Provides API for publishing of events to local or remote DXFeed |
CEntity | Base abstract class for all dxFeed C++ API entities |
CEventFlag | |
CEventFlagsMask | The event flags' mask (a set of bit flags) |
CEventPromiseMixin | Mixin for wrapping Promise method calls for a single event |
CEventSourceWrapper | A helper wrapper class needed to pass heterogeneous event sources using a container and convert them to internal Graal representation |
CEventType | Marks all event types that can be received via dxFeed API |
CEventTypeEnum | The enumeration type that provides additional information about the dxFeed Graal C++-API event type |
CEventTypeWithSymbol | Event type parametrized by a symbol |
CFilteredSubscriptionSymbol | This marker interface marks subscription symbol classes (like TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol) that attach "filters" to the actual symbols |
CGraalException | The wrapper over CEntryPointErrorsEnum, the error code returned by GraalVM |
CGreeks | Greeks event is a snapshot of the option price, Black-Scholes volatility and greeks |
CHandler | A thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature |
CHandler< void(ArgTypes...)> | A thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature |
CIcebergType | Type of an iceberg order |
CIndexedEvent | Represents an indexed collection of up-to-date information about some condition or state of an external entity that updates in real-time |
CIndexedEventSource | Source identifier for IndexedEvent |
CIndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol | Represents subscription to a specific source of indexed events |
►CIndexedTxModel | An incremental model for indexed events |
CBuilder | A builder class for creating an instance of IndexedTxModel |
CIndexedTxModelListener | The listener for receiving indexed events with the specified type from the IndexedTxModel |
CInstrumentProfile | Represents basic profile information about market instrument |
CInstrumentProfileCollector | Collects instrument profile updates and provides the live list of instrument profiles |
CInstrumentProfileConnection | Connects to an instrument profile URL and reads instrument profiles with support of streaming live updates |
CInstrumentProfileType | Defines standard types of InstrumentProfile |
CInvalidArgumentException | Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument |
CIterableInstrumentProfile | A wrapper around Java Iterator for InstrumentProfile |
CJavaException | A wrapper over the interceptable Java exceptions thrown by the dxFeed Native Graal SDK |
CLastingEvent | Represents up-to-date information about some condition or state of an external entity that updates in real-time |
CLogging | A class of utility methods for managing the logging mechanism |
►CMarketDepthModel | Represents a model for market depth, tracking buy and sell orders and notifies listener of changes in the order book |
CSortedOrderSet | Represents a set of orders, sorted by a comparator |
CMarketDepthModelListener | Invoked when the order book is changed |
CMarketEvent | Base class for all market events |
CMarketEventSymbols | Helper class to compose and parse symbols for market events |
CMessage | Message event with application-specific attachment |
CObservableSubscription | Observable set of subscription symbols |
COnDemandService | Provides on-demand historical tick data replay controls |
COptionSale | Option Sale event represents a trade or another market event with the price (for example, market open/close price, etc.) for each option symbol listed under the specified Underlying |
COrder | Order event is a snapshot for a full available market depth for a symbol |
COrderAction | Action enum for the Full Order Book (FOB) Orders |
COrderBase | Base class for common fields of Order, AnalyticOrder and SpreadOrder events |
COrderSource | Identifies source of Order, AnalyticOrder, OtcMarketsOrder and SpreadOrder events |
COtcMarketsOrder | Represents an extension of Order for the symbols traded on the OTC Markets |
COtcMarketsPriceType | Type of prices on the OTC Markets |
CPriceType | Type of the price value |
CProfile | Profile information snapshot that contains security instrument description |
CPromise | Result of a computation that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future |
CPromise< std::shared_ptr< E > > | Result of an event receiving that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future |
CPromise< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > > | Result of an collection of events receiving that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future |
CPromise< void > | Result of an void receiving that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future |
CPromiseList | A list of event receiving results that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future |
CPromises | Utility methods to manipulate promises |
CQuote | Quote event is a snapshot of the best bid and ask prices, and other fields that change with each quote |
CRequireMakeShared | A helper class needed to construct smart pointers to objects, and does not allow explicit construction of objects |
CRuntimeException | A runtime axception with stacktrace |
CSchedule | Schedule class provides API to retrieve and explore trading schedules of different exchanges and different classes of financial instruments |
CScope | Scope of an order |
CSeries | Series event is a snapshot of computed values that are available for all option series for a given underlying symbol based on the option prices on the market |
CSession | Session represents a continuous period of time during which apply same rules regarding trading activity |
CSessionFilter | A filter for sessions used by various search methods |
CSessionType | Defines type of session - what kind of trading activity is allowed (if any), what rules are used, what impact on daily trading statistics it has, etc |
CSharedEntity | Base abstract "shared entity" class. Has some helpers for dynamic polymorphism |
CShortSaleRestriction | Short sale restriction on an instrument |
CSide | Side of an order or a trade |
CSimpleHandler | A thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature |
CSimpleHandler< void(ArgTypes...)> | A thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature |
CSpreadOrder | Spread order event is a snapshot for a full available market depth for all spreads on a given underlying symbol |
CStringHash | Universal functional object that allows searching std::unordered_map for string-like keys |
CStringLikeWrapper | A simple wrapper around strings or something similar to strings to reduce the amount of code for methods that take strings as input |
CStringSymbol | A helper wrapper class needed to pass heterogeneous string symbols using a container and convert them to internal Graal representation |
CSummary | Summary information snapshot about the trading session including session highs, lows, etc |
CSymbolWrapper | A helper wrapper class needed to pass heterogeneous symbols using a container and convert them to internal Graal representation |
CSystem | A class that allows to set JVM system properties and get the values of JVM system properties |
CTheoPrice | Theo price is a snapshot of the theoretical option price computation that is periodically performed by dxPrice model-free computation |
CTimeAndSale | Time and Sale represents a trade or other market event with price, like market open/close price, etc |
CTimeAndSaleType | Type of a time and sale event |
CTimeFormat | Utility class for parsing and formatting dates and times in ISO-compatible format |
CTimePeriod | Value class for period of time with support for ISO8601 duration format |
CTimeSeriesEvent | Represents time-series snapshots of some process that is evolving in time or actual events in some external system that have an associated time stamp and can be uniquely identified |
CTimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol | Represents subscription to time-series of events |
►CTimeSeriesTxModel | An incremental model for time-series events |
CBuilder | A builder class for creating an instance of TimeSeriesTxModel |
CTimeSeriesTxModelListener | The listener for receiving time series events with the specified type from the TimeSeriesTxModel |
CTrade | Trade event is a snapshot of the price and size of the last trade during regular trading hours and an overall day volume and day turnover |
CTradeBase | Base class for common fields of Trade} and TradeETH events |
CTradeETH | TradeETH event is a snapshot of the price and size of the last trade during extended trading hours and the extended trading hours day volume and day turnover |
CTradingStatus | Trading status of an instrument |
CUnderlying | Underlying event is a snapshot of computed values that are available for an option underlying symbol based on the option prices on the market |
CVoidPromiseMixin | Mixin for wrapping Promise method calls for a void |
CWildcardSymbol | Represents [wildcard] subscription to all events of the specific event type |