dxFeed Graal CXX API v4.0.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAnalyticOrderRepresents an extension of Order introducing analytic information, e.g
 CAuthTokenAuthorization token and encapsulates information about the authorization scheme and its associated value
 CCandleCandle event with open, high, low, close prices and other information for a specific period
 CCandleAlignmentCandle alignment attribute of CandleSymbol defines how candle are aligned with respect to time
 CCandleExchangeExchange attribute of CandleSymbol defines exchange identifier where data is taken from to build the candles
 CCandlePeriodPeriod attribute of CandleSymbol defines aggregation period of the candles
 CCandlePricePrice type attribute of CandleSymbol defines price that is used to build the candles
 CCandlePriceLevelCandle price level attribute of CandleSymbol defines how candles shall be aggregated in respect to price interval
 CCandleSessionSession attribute of CandleSymbol defines trading that is used to build the candles
 CCandleSymbolSymbol that should be used with DXFeedSubscription class to subscribe for Candle events
 CCandleSymbolAttributeAttribute of the CandleSymbol
 CCandleTypeType of the candle aggregation period constitutes CandlePeriod type together its actual value
 CCommonPromiseMixinMixin for wrapping calls to common promise methods
 CDayDay represents a continuous period of time approximately 24 hours long
 CDayFilterA filter for days used by various search methods
 CDirectionDirection of the price movement
 CDXEndpointManages network connections to feed or publisher
 Cdxfc_dxendpoint_property_tThe simple key-value structure that represents an endpoint's property
 CDXFeedMain entry class for dxFeed API (read it first)
 CDXFeedSubscriptionSubscription for a set of symbols and event types
 CDXPublisherProvides API for publishing of events to local or remote DXFeed
 CEntityBase abstract class for all dxFeed C++ API entities
 CEventFlagsMaskThe event flags' mask (a set of bit flags)
 CEventPromiseMixinMixin for wrapping Promise method calls for a single event
 CEventSourceWrapperA helper wrapper class needed to pass heterogeneous event sources using a container and convert them to internal Graal representation
 CEventTypeMarks all event types that can be received via dxFeed API
 CEventTypeEnumThe enumeration type that provides additional information about the dxFeed Graal C++-API event type
 CEventTypeWithSymbolEvent type parametrized by a symbol
 CFilteredSubscriptionSymbolThis marker interface marks subscription symbol classes (like TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol) that attach "filters" to the actual symbols
 CGraalExceptionThe wrapper over CEntryPointErrorsEnum, the error code returned by GraalVM
 CGreeksGreeks event is a snapshot of the option price, Black-Scholes volatility and greeks
 CHandlerA thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature
 CHandler< void(ArgTypes...)>A thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature
 CIcebergTypeType of an iceberg order
 CIndexedEventRepresents an indexed collection of up-to-date information about some condition or state of an external entity that updates in real-time
 CIndexedEventSourceSource identifier for IndexedEvent
 CIndexedEventSubscriptionSymbolRepresents subscription to a specific source of indexed events
 CIndexedTxModelAn incremental model for indexed events
 CIndexedTxModelListenerThe listener for receiving indexed events with the specified type from the IndexedTxModel
 CInstrumentProfileRepresents basic profile information about market instrument
 CInstrumentProfileCollectorCollects instrument profile updates and provides the live list of instrument profiles
 CInstrumentProfileConnectionConnects to an instrument profile URL and reads instrument profiles with support of streaming live updates
 CInstrumentProfileTypeDefines standard types of InstrumentProfile
 CInvalidArgumentExceptionThrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument
 CIterableInstrumentProfileA wrapper around Java Iterator for InstrumentProfile
 CJavaExceptionA wrapper over the interceptable Java exceptions thrown by the dxFeed Native Graal SDK
 CLastingEventRepresents up-to-date information about some condition or state of an external entity that updates in real-time
 CLoggingA class of utility methods for managing the logging mechanism
 CMarketDepthModelRepresents a model for market depth, tracking buy and sell orders and notifies listener of changes in the order book
 CMarketDepthModelListenerInvoked when the order book is changed
 CMarketEventBase class for all market events
 CMarketEventSymbolsHelper class to compose and parse symbols for market events
 CMessageMessage event with application-specific attachment
 CObservableSubscriptionObservable set of subscription symbols
 COnDemandServiceProvides on-demand historical tick data replay controls
 COptionSaleOption Sale event represents a trade or another market event with the price (for example, market open/close price, etc.) for each option symbol listed under the specified Underlying
 COrderOrder event is a snapshot for a full available market depth for a symbol
 COrderActionAction enum for the Full Order Book (FOB) Orders
 COrderBaseBase class for common fields of Order, AnalyticOrder and SpreadOrder events
 COrderSourceIdentifies source of Order, AnalyticOrder, OtcMarketsOrder and SpreadOrder events
 COtcMarketsOrderRepresents an extension of Order for the symbols traded on the OTC Markets
 COtcMarketsPriceTypeType of prices on the OTC Markets
 CPriceTypeType of the price value
 CProfileProfile information snapshot that contains security instrument description
 CPromiseResult of a computation that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future
 CPromise< std::shared_ptr< E > >Result of an event receiving that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future
 CPromise< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > >Result of an collection of events receiving that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future
 CPromise< void >Result of an void receiving that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future
 CPromiseListA list of event receiving results that will be completed normally or exceptionally in the future
 CPromisesUtility methods to manipulate promises
 CQuoteQuote event is a snapshot of the best bid and ask prices, and other fields that change with each quote
 CRequireMakeSharedA helper class needed to construct smart pointers to objects, and does not allow explicit construction of objects
 CRuntimeExceptionA runtime axception with stacktrace
 CScheduleSchedule class provides API to retrieve and explore trading schedules of different exchanges and different classes of financial instruments
 CScopeScope of an order
 CSeriesSeries event is a snapshot of computed values that are available for all option series for a given underlying symbol based on the option prices on the market
 CSessionSession represents a continuous period of time during which apply same rules regarding trading activity
 CSessionFilterA filter for sessions used by various search methods
 CSessionTypeDefines type of session - what kind of trading activity is allowed (if any), what rules are used, what impact on daily trading statistics it has, etc
 CSharedEntityBase abstract "shared entity" class. Has some helpers for dynamic polymorphism
 CShortSaleRestrictionShort sale restriction on an instrument
 CSideSide of an order or a trade
 CSimpleHandlerA thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature
 CSimpleHandler< void(ArgTypes...)>A thread-safe class that allows to asynchronously notify listeners with a given signature
 CSpreadOrderSpread order event is a snapshot for a full available market depth for all spreads on a given underlying symbol
 CStringHashUniversal functional object that allows searching std::unordered_map for string-like keys
 CStringLikeWrapperA simple wrapper around strings or something similar to strings to reduce the amount of code for methods that take strings as input
 CStringSymbolA helper wrapper class needed to pass heterogeneous string symbols using a container and convert them to internal Graal representation
 CSummarySummary information snapshot about the trading session including session highs, lows, etc
 CSymbolWrapperA helper wrapper class needed to pass heterogeneous symbols using a container and convert them to internal Graal representation
 CSystemA class that allows to set JVM system properties and get the values of JVM system properties
 CTheoPriceTheo price is a snapshot of the theoretical option price computation that is periodically performed by dxPrice model-free computation
 CTimeAndSaleTime and Sale represents a trade or other market event with price, like market open/close price, etc
 CTimeAndSaleTypeType of a time and sale event
 CTimeFormatUtility class for parsing and formatting dates and times in ISO-compatible format
 CTimePeriodValue class for period of time with support for ISO8601 duration format
 CTimeSeriesEventRepresents time-series snapshots of some process that is evolving in time or actual events in some external system that have an associated time stamp and can be uniquely identified
 CTimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbolRepresents subscription to time-series of events
 CTimeSeriesTxModelAn incremental model for time-series events
 CTimeSeriesTxModelListenerThe listener for receiving time series events with the specified type from the TimeSeriesTxModel
 CTradeTrade event is a snapshot of the price and size of the last trade during regular trading hours and an overall day volume and day turnover
 CTradeBaseBase class for common fields of Trade} and TradeETH events
 CTradeETHTradeETH event is a snapshot of the price and size of the last trade during extended trading hours and the extended trading hours day volume and day turnover
 CTradingStatusTrading status of an instrument
 CUnderlyingUnderlying event is a snapshot of computed values that are available for an option underlying symbol based on the option prices on the market
 CVoidPromiseMixinMixin for wrapping Promise method calls for a void
 CWildcardSymbolRepresents [wildcard] subscription to all events of the specific event type