Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ include | |
▼ dxfeed_graal_c_api | |
api.h | DxFeed Native C API enums, structs and functions declarations |
▼ dxfeed_graal_cpp_api | |
▼ api | |
► osub | |
IndexedEventSubscriptionSymbol.hpp | |
ObservableSubscription.hpp | |
ObservableSubscriptionChangeListener.hpp | |
OsubModule.hpp | |
TimeSeriesSubscriptionSymbol.hpp | |
WildcardSymbol.hpp | |
ApiModule.hpp | |
DXEndpoint.hpp | |
DXFeed.hpp | |
DXFeedSubscription.hpp | |
DXPublisher.hpp | |
DXPublisherObservableSubscription.hpp | |
FilteredSubscriptionSymbol.hpp | |
▼ entity | |
Entity.hpp | |
EntityModule.hpp | |
SharedEntity.hpp | |
▼ event | |
► candle | |
Candle.hpp | |
CandleAlignment.hpp | |
CandleExchange.hpp | |
CandleModule.hpp | |
CandlePeriod.hpp | |
CandlePrice.hpp | |
CandlePriceLevel.hpp | |
CandleSession.hpp | |
CandleSymbol.hpp | |
CandleSymbolAttribute.hpp | |
CandleType.hpp | |
► market | |
AnalyticOrder.hpp | |
Direction.hpp | |
IcebergType.hpp | |
MarketEvent.hpp | |
MarketEventSymbols.hpp | |
MarketModule.hpp | |
OptionSale.hpp | |
Order.hpp | |
OrderAction.hpp | |
OrderBase.hpp | |
OrderSource.hpp | |
OtcMarketsOrder.hpp | |
OtcMarketsPriceType.hpp | |
PriceType.hpp | |
Profile.hpp | |
Quote.hpp | |
Scope.hpp | |
ShortSaleRestriction.hpp | |
Side.hpp | |
SpreadOrder.hpp | |
Summary.hpp | |
TimeAndSale.hpp | |
TimeAndSaleType.hpp | |
Trade.hpp | |
TradeBase.hpp | |
TradeETH.hpp | |
TradingStatus.hpp | |
► misc | |
Configuration.hpp | |
Message.hpp | |
MiscModule.hpp | |
► option | |
Greeks.hpp | |
OptionModule.hpp | |
Series.hpp | |
TheoPrice.hpp | |
Underlying.hpp | |
EventFlag.hpp | |
EventMapper.hpp | |
EventModule.hpp | |
EventType.hpp | |
EventTypeEnum.hpp | |
IndexedEvent.hpp | |
IndexedEventSource.hpp | |
LastingEvent.hpp | |
TimeSeriesEvent.hpp | |
▼ exceptions | |
GraalException.hpp | |
JavaException.hpp | |
▼ internal | |
► context | |
ApiContext.hpp | |
► detail | |
Formatter.hpp | |
► managers | |
DXEndpointManager.hpp | |
DXFeedManager.hpp | |
DXFeedSubscriptionManager.hpp | |
DXPublisherManager.hpp | |
EntityManager.hpp | |
ErrorHandlingManager.hpp | |
InstrumentProfileCollectorManager.hpp | |
InstrumentProfileConnectionManager.hpp | |
InstrumentProfileReaderManager.hpp | |
OnDemandServiceManager.hpp | |
► utils | |
► debug | |
Debug.hpp | |
CmdArgsUtils.hpp | |
EnumUtils.hpp | |
StringUtils.hpp | |
CEntryPointErrors.hpp | |
Common.hpp | |
Conf.hpp | |
Enum.hpp | |
EventClassList.hpp | |
Handler.hpp | |
Id.hpp | |
Isolate.hpp | |
JavaObjectHandle.hpp | |
NonCopyable.hpp | |
Platform.hpp | |
PrecompiledHeaders.hpp | |
RawListWrapper.hpp | |
StopWatch.hpp | |
TimeFormat.hpp | |
Timer.hpp | |
▼ ipf | |
► live | |
InstrumentProfileCollector.hpp | |
InstrumentProfileConnection.hpp | |
IterableInstrumentProfile.hpp | |
InstrumentProfile.hpp | |
InstrumentProfileField.hpp | |
InstrumentProfileReader.hpp | |
InstrumentProfileType.hpp | |
IpfModule.hpp | |
▼ native | |
IsolatedString.hpp | |
▼ ondemand | |
OnDemandService.hpp | |
▼ schedule | |
Day.hpp | |
DayFilter.hpp | |
Schedule.hpp | |
ScheduleModule.hpp | |
Session.hpp | |
SessionFilter.hpp | |
SessionType.hpp | |
▼ symbols | |
StringSymbol.hpp | |
SymbolWrapper.hpp | |
▼ system | |
System.hpp | |
api.hpp | |