Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- Candle() : Candle
- changeAttributeForSymbol() : CandleAlignment, CandleExchange, CandlePeriod, CandlePrice, CandlePriceLevel, CandleSession, CandleSymbolAttribute
- changeAttributeStringByKey() : MarketEventSymbols
- changeBaseSymbol() : MarketEventSymbols
- changeExchangeCode() : MarketEventSymbols
- clear() : DXFeedSubscription
- close() : DXEndpoint, DXFeedSubscription, InstrumentProfileConnection
- closeAndAwaitTermination() : DXEndpoint
- connect() : DXEndpoint
- containsEventType() : DXFeedSubscription, ObservableSubscription
- containsTime() : Day, Session
- create() : DXEndpoint, DXFeedSubscription, InstrumentProfileCollector
- createConnection() : InstrumentProfileConnection
- createSubscription() : DXFeed