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Enum OtcMarketsPriceType


Type of prices on the OTC Markets.

Please see OTC Markets Data Display Requirements

public enum OtcMarketsPriceType


Actual = 1

Actual (Priced) is the actual amount a trader is willing to buy or sell securities.

Unpriced = 0

Unpriced quotes are an indication of interest (IOI) in a security used when a trader does not wish to show a price or size. Unpriced, name-only quotes are also used as the other side of a one-sided, priced quote. Unpriced quotes may not have a Quote Access Payment (QAP) value.

Wanted = 2

Offer Wanted/Bid Wanted (OW/BW) is used to solicit sellers/buyers, without displaying actual price or size. OW/BW quotes may not have a Quote Access Payment (QAP) value.