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Enum GraalErrorCode


Errors returned when calling GraalVM functions. The error description was obtained from GraalVM GitHub.

public enum GraalErrorCode


AllocationFailed = 3

Memory allocation failed, the OS is probably out of memory.

ArgumentParsingFailed = 22

The isolate arguments could not be parsed.

AuxImagePrimaryImageMismatch = 21

The auxiliary image was built from a different primary image.

AuxImageUnsupported = 18

Auxiliary images are not supported on this platform or edition.

CpuFeatureCheckFailed = 23

Current target does not support the CPU features that are required by the image.

DynamicMethodAddressResolutionGotFdCreateFailed = 25

Creating an in-memory file for the GOT failed.

DynamicMethodAddressResolutionGotFdInvalid = 30

Mapping the GOT before an isolate's heap failed (invalid file).

DynamicMethodAddressResolutionGotFdMapFailed = 27

Mapping and populating the in-memory file for the GOT failed.

DynamicMethodAddressResolutionGotFdResizeFailed = 26

Resizing the in-memory file for the GOT failed.

DynamicMethodAddressResolutionGotMmapFailed = 28

Mapping the GOT before an isolate's heap failed (no mapping).

DynamicMethodAddressResolutionGotUniqueFileCreateFailed = 31

Could not create unique GOT file even after retrying.

DynamicMethodAddressResolutionGotWrongMmap = 29

Mapping the GOT before an isolate's heap failed (wrong mapping).

FreeAddressSpaceFailed = 19

Releasing the isolate's address space failed.

FreeImageHeapFailed = 20

Releasing the isolate's image heap memory failed.

InsufficientAddressSpace = 802

The image heap does not fit in the available address space.

InsufficientAuxImageMemory = 17

Insufficient memory for the auxiliary image.

IsolateInitializationFailed = 13

Initialization the isolate failed.

LocateImageFailed = 6

Locating the image file failed.

MapAuxImageFailed = 16

Mapping the auxiliary image file into memory failed.

MapHeapFailed = 8

Mapping the heap from the image file into memory failed.

NoError = 0

No error occurred.

NullArgument = 2

An argument was NULL.

OpenAuxImageFailed = 14

Opening the located auxiliary image file failed.

OpenImageFailed = 7

Opening the located image file failed.

PageSizeCheckFailed = 24

Image page size is incompatible with run-time page size. Rebuild image with -H:PageSize=[pagesize] to set appropriately.

ProtectHeapFailed = 9

Setting the protection of the heap memory failed.

ReadAuxImageMetaFailed = 15

Reading the opened auxiliary image file failed.

ReserveAddressSpaceFailed = 801

Reserving address space for the new isolate failed.

ThreadingInitializationFailed = 11

Initialization of threading in the isolate failed.

UnattachedThread = 4

The specified thread is not attached to the isolate.

UncaughtException = 12

Some exception is not caught.

UninitializedIsolate = 5

The specified isolate is unknown.

UnknownStackBoundaries = 32

Could not determine the stack boundaries.

Unspecified = 1

An unspecified error occurred.

UnsupportedIsolateParametersVersion = 10

The version of the specified isolate parameters is unsupported.