void * | toGraal () const override |
| Allocates memory for the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).
void | assign (std::shared_ptr< EventType > event) override |
| Replaces the contents of the event.
| AnalyticOrder () noexcept=default |
| Creates new analytic order event with default values.
| AnalyticOrder (std::string eventSymbol) noexcept |
| Creates new analytic order event with the specified event symbol.
AnalyticOrder & | withEventSymbol (const std::string &eventSymbol) noexcept override |
| Changes event's symbol and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withEventTime (std::int64_t eventTime) noexcept |
| Changes event's creation time and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withSource (const OrderSource &source) noexcept |
| Changes event's source and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withEventFlags (std::int32_t eventFlags) noexcept |
| Changes transactional event flags and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withEventFlags (const EventFlagsMask &eventFlags) noexcept |
| Changes transactional event flags and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withIndex (std::int64_t index) noexcept |
| Changes unique per-symbol index of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrder & | withTime (std::int64_t time) noexcept |
| Changes time of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrder & | withTimeNanoPart (std::int32_t timeNanoPart) noexcept |
| Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withSequence (std::int32_t sequence) noexcept |
| Changes sequence number of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withTimeNanos (std::int64_t timeNanos) noexcept |
| Changes time of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrder & | withAction (const OrderAction &action) noexcept |
| Changes action of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrder & | withActionTime (std::int64_t actionTime) noexcept |
| Changes time of the last action and returns current analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withOrderId (std::int64_t orderId) noexcept |
| Changes order ID.
AnalyticOrder & | withAuxOrderId (std::int64_t auxOrderId) noexcept |
| Changes auxiliary order ID.
AnalyticOrder & | withPrice (double price) noexcept |
| Changes price of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withSize (double size) noexcept |
| Changes size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withExecutedSize (double executedSize) noexcept |
| Changes executed size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withCount (std::int64_t count) noexcept |
| Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
AnalyticOrder & | withTradeId (std::int64_t tradeId) noexcept |
| Changes trade ID.
AnalyticOrder & | withTradePrice (double tradePrice) noexcept |
| Changes trade price.
AnalyticOrder & | withTradeSize (double tradeSize) noexcept |
| Changes trade size.
AnalyticOrder & | withExchangeCode (char exchangeCode) noexcept |
| Changes exchange code of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withExchangeCode (std::int16_t exchangeCode) noexcept |
| Changes exchange code of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withOrderSide (const Side &side) noexcept |
| Changes side of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withScope (const Scope &scope) noexcept |
| Changes scope of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withMarketMaker (std::string marketMaker) noexcept |
| Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this analytic order.
double | getIcebergPeakSize () const noexcept |
| Returns iceberg peak size of this analytic order.
void | setIcebergPeakSize (double icebergPeakSize) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg peak size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withIcebergPeakSize (double icebergPeakSize) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg peak size and returns the current analytic order.
double | getIcebergHiddenSize () const noexcept |
| Returns iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.
void | setIcebergHiddenSize (double icebergHiddenSize) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withIcebergHiddenSize (double icebergHiddenSize) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg hidden size and returns the current analytic order.
double | getIcebergExecutedSize () const noexcept |
| Returns iceberg executed size of this analytic order.
void | setIcebergExecutedSize (double icebergExecutedSize) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg executed size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withIcebergExecutedSize (double icebergExecutedSize) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg executed size and returns the current analytic order.
const IcebergType & | getIcebergType () const &noexcept |
| Returns iceberg type of this analytic order.
void | setIcebergType (const IcebergType &icebergType) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg type of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrder & | withIcebergType (const IcebergType &icebergType) noexcept |
| Changes iceberg type and returns the current analytic order.
std::string | toString () const override |
| Returns a string representation of the current object.
void * | toGraal () const override |
| Allocates memory for the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).
void | assign (std::shared_ptr< EventType > event) override |
| Replaces the contents of the event.
| Order () noexcept=default |
| Creates new order event with default values.
| Order (std::string eventSymbol) noexcept |
| Creates new order event with the specified event symbol.
Order & | withEventTime (std::int64_t eventTime) noexcept |
| Changes event's creation time and returns the current order.
Order & | withSource (const OrderSource &source) noexcept |
| Changes event's source and returns the current order.
Order & | withEventFlags (std::int32_t eventFlags) noexcept |
| Changes transactional event flags and returns the current order.
Order & | withEventFlags (const EventFlagsMask &eventFlags) noexcept |
| Changes transactional event flags and returns the current order.
Order & | withIndex (std::int64_t index) noexcept |
| Changes unique per-symbol index of this order and returns it.
Order & | withTime (std::int64_t time) noexcept |
| Changes time of this order and returns it.
Order & | withTimeNanoPart (std::int32_t timeNanoPart) noexcept |
| Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
Order & | withSequence (std::int32_t sequence) noexcept |
| Changes sequence number of this order.
Order & | withTimeNanos (std::int64_t timeNanos) noexcept |
| Changes time of this order and returns it.
Order & | withAction (const OrderAction &action) noexcept |
| Changes action of this order and returns it.
Order & | withActionTime (std::int64_t actionTime) noexcept |
| Changes time of the last action and returns current order.
Order & | withOrderId (std::int64_t orderId) noexcept |
| Changes order ID.
Order & | withAuxOrderId (std::int64_t auxOrderId) noexcept |
| Changes auxiliary order ID.
Order & | withPrice (double price) noexcept |
| Changes price of this order.
Order & | withSize (double size) noexcept |
| Changes size of this order.
Order & | withExecutedSize (double executedSize) noexcept |
| Changes executed size of this order.
Order & | withCount (std::int64_t count) noexcept |
| Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
Order & | withTradeId (std::int64_t tradeId) noexcept |
| Changes trade ID.
Order & | withTradePrice (double tradePrice) noexcept |
| Changes trade price.
Order & | withTradeSize (double tradeSize) noexcept |
| Changes trade size.
Order & | withExchangeCode (char exchangeCode) noexcept |
| Changes exchange code of this order.
Order & | withExchangeCode (std::int16_t exchangeCode) noexcept |
| Changes exchange code of this order.
Order & | withOrderSide (const Side &side) noexcept |
| Changes side of this order.
Order & | withScope (const Scope &scope) noexcept |
| Changes scope of this order.
const std::string & | getMarketMaker () const &noexcept |
| Returns market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
const std::optional< std::string > & | getMarketMakerOpt () const &noexcept |
| Returns market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
void | setMarketMaker (std::string marketMaker) noexcept |
| Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
Order & | withMarketMaker (std::string marketMaker) noexcept |
| Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
std::string | toString () const override |
| Returns a string representation of the current object.
void | assign (std::shared_ptr< EventType > event) override |
| Replaces the contents of the event.
| OrderBase () noexcept=default |
| Creates new order event with default values.
| OrderBase (std::string eventSymbol) noexcept |
| Creates new order event with the specified event symbol.
const OrderSource & | getSource () const &noexcept override |
| Returns source of this event.
void | setSource (const OrderSource &source) noexcept |
| Changes source of this event.
std::int32_t | getEventFlags () const noexcept override |
| Returns transactional event flags.
EventFlagsMask | getEventFlagsMask () const noexcept override |
| Returns transactional event flags.
void | setEventFlags (std::int32_t eventFlags) noexcept override |
| Changes transactional event flags.
void | setEventFlags (const EventFlagsMask &eventFlags) noexcept override |
| Changes transactional event flags.
void | setIndex (std::int64_t index) override |
| Changes unique per-symbol index of this order.
std::int64_t | getIndex () const noexcept override |
| Returns unique per-symbol index of this order.
std::int64_t | getTimeSequence () const noexcept |
| Returns time and sequence of this order packaged into single long value.
void | setTimeSequence (std::int64_t timeSequence) noexcept |
| Changes time and sequence of this order.
std::int64_t | getTime () const noexcept |
| Returns time of this order.
void | setTime (std::int64_t time) noexcept |
| Changes time of this order.
void | setTimeNanoPart (std::int32_t timeNanoPart) noexcept |
| Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
std::int32_t | getTimeNanoPart () const noexcept |
| Returns microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
std::int32_t | getSequence () const noexcept |
| Returns sequence number of this order to distinguish orders that have the same time.
void | setSequence (std::int32_t sequence) |
| Changes sequence number of this order.
std::int64_t | getTimeNanos () const noexcept |
| Returns time of this order in nanoseconds.
void | setTimeNanos (std::int64_t timeNanos) noexcept |
| Changes time of this order.
const OrderAction & | getAction () const &noexcept |
| Returns order action if available, otherwise - OrderAction::UNDEFINED.
void | setAction (const OrderAction &action) noexcept |
| Changes action of this order.
std::int64_t | getActionTime () const noexcept |
| Returns time of the last action.
void | setActionTime (std::int64_t actionTime) noexcept |
| Changes time of the last action.
std::int64_t | getOrderId () const noexcept |
| Returns order ID if available.
void | setOrderId (std::int64_t orderId) noexcept |
| Changes order ID.
std::int64_t | getAuxOrderId () const noexcept |
| Returns auxiliary order ID if available:
void | setAuxOrderId (std::int64_t auxOrderId) noexcept |
| Changes auxiliary order ID.
double | getPrice () const noexcept |
| Returns price of this order.
void | setPrice (double price) noexcept |
| Changes price of this order.
double | getSize () const noexcept |
| Returns size of this order.
void | setSize (double size) noexcept |
| Changes size of this order.
bool | hasSize () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this order has some size (sizeAsDouble is neither 0 nor NaN ).
double | getExecutedSize () const noexcept |
| Returns executed size of this order.
void | setExecutedSize (double executedSize) noexcept |
| Changes executed size of this order.
std::int64_t | getCount () const noexcept |
| Returns number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
void | setCount (std::int64_t count) noexcept |
| Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
std::int64_t | getTradeId () const noexcept |
| Returns trade (order execution) ID for events containing trade-related action.
void | setTradeId (std::int64_t tradeId) noexcept |
| Changes trade ID.
double | getTradePrice () const noexcept |
| Returns trade price for events containing trade-related action.
void | setTradePrice (double tradePrice) noexcept |
| Changes trade price.
double | getTradeSize () const noexcept |
| Returns trade size for events containing trade-related action.
void | setTradeSize (double tradeSize) noexcept |
| Changes trade size.
std::int16_t | getExchangeCode () const noexcept |
| Returns exchange code of this order.
std::string | getExchangeCodeString () const noexcept |
| Returns exchange code of this order as UTF8 string.
void | setExchangeCode (char exchangeCode) |
| Changes exchange code of this order.
void | setExchangeCode (std::int16_t exchangeCode) noexcept |
| Changes exchange code of this order.
const Side & | getOrderSide () const &noexcept |
| Returns side of this order.
void | setOrderSide (const Side &side) noexcept |
| Changes side of this order.
const Scope & | getScope () const &noexcept |
| Returns scope of this order.
void | setScope (const Scope &scope) noexcept |
| Changes scope of this order.
std::string | baseFieldsToString () const |
| Returns string representation of this order event's fields.
const std::string & | getEventSymbol () const &noexcept override |
| Returns symbol of this event.
const std::optional< std::string > & | getEventSymbolOpt () const &noexcept override |
| Returns symbol of this event.
void | setEventSymbol (const std::string &eventSymbol) noexcept override |
| Changes symbol of this event.
std::int64_t | getEventTime () const noexcept override |
| Returns time when event was created or zero when time is not available.
void | setEventTime (std::int64_t eventTime) noexcept override |
| Changes event creation time.
template<typename T > |
bool | is () const noexcept |
| Checks that pointer to the current type could be converted to type T* In other words: whether type T belongs to the type hierarchy in which the current type resides.
template<typename T > |
std::shared_ptr< T > | sharedAs () noexcept |
| Returns a pointer to the current object wrapped in a smart pointer to type T.
template<typename T > |
std::shared_ptr< T > | sharedAs () const noexcept |
| Returns a pointer to the current object wrapped in a smart pointer to type T.
virtual | ~Entity () noexcept=default |
| The default virtual d-tor.