dxFeed Graal CXX API
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AnalyticOrder Class Referencefinal

Represents an extension of Order introducing analytic information, e.g. More...

#include <AnalyticOrder.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for AnalyticOrder:

Public Types

using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<AnalyticOrder>
 The alias to a type of shared pointer to the AnalyticOrder object.
using Unique = std::unique_ptr<AnalyticOrder>
 The alias to a type of unique pointer to the AnalyticOrder object.
- Public Types inherited from Order
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Order>
 The alias to a type of shared pointer to the Order object.
using Unique = std::unique_ptr<Order>
 The alias to a type of unique pointer to the Order object.
- Public Types inherited from MarketEvent
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<MarketEvent>
 The alias to a type of shared pointer to the MarketEvent object.
- Public Types inherited from EventTypeWithSymbol< std::string >
using Ptr
 The alias to a type of shared pointer to the EventTypeWithSymbol's child object.
- Public Types inherited from EventType
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<EventType>
 The alias to a type of shared pointer to the EventType object.
- Public Types inherited from SharedEntity
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<SharedEntity>
 The alias to a type of shared pointer to the SharedEntity object.
- Public Types inherited from IndexedEvent
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<IndexedEvent>
 The alias to a type of shared pointer to the IndexedEvent object.

Public Member Functions

void * toGraal () const override
 Allocates memory for the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).
 AnalyticOrder () noexcept=default
 Creates new analytic order event with default values.
 AnalyticOrder (std::string eventSymbol) noexcept
 Creates new analytic order event with the specified event symbol.
AnalyticOrderwithEventSymbol (const std::string &eventSymbol) noexcept override
 Changes event's symbol and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithEventTime (std::int64_t eventTime) noexcept
 Changes event's creation time and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithSource (const OrderSource &source) noexcept
 Changes event's source and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithEventFlags (std::int32_t eventFlags) noexcept
 Changes transactional event flags and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithEventFlags (const EventFlagsMask &eventFlags) noexcept
 Changes transactional event flags and returns the current analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithIndex (std::int64_t index) noexcept
 Changes unique per-symbol index of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrderwithTime (std::int64_t time) noexcept
 Changes time of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrderwithTimeNanoPart (std::int32_t timeNanoPart) noexcept
 Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithSequence (std::int32_t sequence) noexcept
 Changes sequence number of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithTimeNanos (std::int64_t timeNanos) noexcept
 Changes time of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrderwithAction (const OrderAction &action) noexcept
 Changes action of this analytic order and returns it.
AnalyticOrderwithActionTime (std::int64_t actionTime) noexcept
 Changes time of the last action and returns current analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithOrderId (std::int64_t orderId) noexcept
 Changes order ID.
AnalyticOrderwithAuxOrderId (std::int64_t auxOrderId) noexcept
 Changes auxiliary order ID.
AnalyticOrderwithPrice (double price) noexcept
 Changes price of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithSize (double size) noexcept
 Changes size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithExecutedSize (double executedSize) noexcept
 Changes executed size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithCount (std::int64_t count) noexcept
 Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
AnalyticOrderwithTradeId (std::int64_t tradeId) noexcept
 Changes trade ID.
AnalyticOrderwithTradePrice (double tradePrice) noexcept
 Changes trade price.
AnalyticOrderwithTradeSize (double tradeSize) noexcept
 Changes trade size.
AnalyticOrderwithExchangeCode (char exchangeCode) noexcept
 Changes exchange code of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithExchangeCode (std::int16_t exchangeCode) noexcept
 Changes exchange code of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithOrderSide (const Side &side) noexcept
 Changes side of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithScope (const Scope &scope) noexcept
 Changes scope of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithMarketMaker (std::string marketMaker) noexcept
 Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this analytic order.
double getIcebergPeakSize () const noexcept
 Returns iceberg peak size of this analytic order.
void setIcebergPeakSize (double icebergPeakSize) noexcept
 Changes iceberg peak size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithIcebergPeakSize (double icebergPeakSize) noexcept
 Changes iceberg peak size and returns the current analytic order.
double getIcebergHiddenSize () const noexcept
 Returns iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.
void setIcebergHiddenSize (double icebergHiddenSize) noexcept
 Changes iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithIcebergHiddenSize (double icebergHiddenSize) noexcept
 Changes iceberg hidden size and returns the current analytic order.
double getIcebergExecutedSize () const noexcept
 Returns iceberg executed size of this analytic order.
void setIcebergExecutedSize (double icebergExecutedSize) noexcept
 Changes iceberg executed size of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithIcebergExecutedSize (double icebergExecutedSize) noexcept
 Changes iceberg executed size and returns the current analytic order.
const IcebergTypegetIcebergType () const &noexcept
 Returns iceberg type of this analytic order.
void setIcebergType (const IcebergType &icebergType) noexcept
 Changes iceberg type of this analytic order.
AnalyticOrderwithIcebergType (const IcebergType &icebergType) noexcept
 Changes iceberg type and returns the current analytic order.
std::string toString () const noexcept override
 Returns a string representation of the current object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Order
void * toGraal () const override
 Allocates memory for the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).
 Order () noexcept=default
 Creates new order event with default values.
 Order (std::string eventSymbol) noexcept
 Creates new order event with the specified event symbol.
OrderwithEventTime (std::int64_t eventTime) noexcept
 Changes event's creation time and returns the current order.
OrderwithSource (const OrderSource &source) noexcept
 Changes event's source and returns the current order.
OrderwithEventFlags (std::int32_t eventFlags) noexcept
 Changes transactional event flags and returns the current order.
OrderwithEventFlags (const EventFlagsMask &eventFlags) noexcept
 Changes transactional event flags and returns the current order.
OrderwithIndex (std::int64_t index) noexcept
 Changes unique per-symbol index of this order and returns it.
OrderwithTime (std::int64_t time) noexcept
 Changes time of this order and returns it.
OrderwithTimeNanoPart (std::int32_t timeNanoPart) noexcept
 Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
OrderwithSequence (std::int32_t sequence) noexcept
 Changes sequence number of this order.
OrderwithTimeNanos (std::int64_t timeNanos) noexcept
 Changes time of this order and returns it.
OrderwithAction (const OrderAction &action) noexcept
 Changes action of this order and returns it.
OrderwithActionTime (std::int64_t actionTime) noexcept
 Changes time of the last action and returns current order.
OrderwithOrderId (std::int64_t orderId) noexcept
 Changes order ID.
OrderwithAuxOrderId (std::int64_t auxOrderId) noexcept
 Changes auxiliary order ID.
OrderwithPrice (double price) noexcept
 Changes price of this order.
OrderwithSize (double size) noexcept
 Changes size of this order.
OrderwithExecutedSize (double executedSize) noexcept
 Changes executed size of this order.
OrderwithCount (std::int64_t count) noexcept
 Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
OrderwithTradeId (std::int64_t tradeId) noexcept
 Changes trade ID.
OrderwithTradePrice (double tradePrice) noexcept
 Changes trade price.
OrderwithTradeSize (double tradeSize) noexcept
 Changes trade size.
OrderwithExchangeCode (char exchangeCode) noexcept
 Changes exchange code of this order.
OrderwithExchangeCode (std::int16_t exchangeCode) noexcept
 Changes exchange code of this order.
OrderwithOrderSide (const Side &side) noexcept
 Changes side of this order.
OrderwithScope (const Scope &scope) noexcept
 Changes scope of this order.
const std::string & getMarketMaker () const &noexcept
 Returns market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
const std::optional< std::string > & getMarketMakerOpt () const &noexcept
 Returns market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
void setMarketMaker (std::string marketMaker) noexcept
 Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
OrderwithMarketMaker (std::string marketMaker) noexcept
 Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this order.
std::string toString () const noexcept override
 Returns a string representation of the current object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from OrderBase
 OrderBase () noexcept=default
 Creates new order event with default values.
 OrderBase (std::string eventSymbol) noexcept
 Creates new order event with the specified event symbol.
const OrderSourcegetSource () const &noexcept override
 Returns source of this event.
void setSource (const OrderSource &source) noexcept
 Changes source of this event.
std::int32_t getEventFlags () const noexcept override
 Returns transactional event flags.
EventFlagsMask getEventFlagsMask () const noexcept override
 Returns transactional event flags.
void setEventFlags (std::int32_t eventFlags) noexcept override
 Changes transactional event flags.
void setEventFlags (const EventFlagsMask &eventFlags) noexcept override
 Changes transactional event flags.
void setIndex (std::int64_t index) override
 Changes unique per-symbol index of this order.
std::int64_t getIndex () const noexcept override
 Returns unique per-symbol index of this order.
std::int64_t getTimeSequence () const noexcept
 Returns time and sequence of this order packaged into single long value.
void setTimeSequence (std::int64_t timeSequence) noexcept
 Changes time and sequence of this order.
std::int64_t getTime () const noexcept
 Returns time of this order.
void setTime (std::int64_t time) noexcept
 Changes time of this order.
void setTimeNanoPart (std::int32_t timeNanoPart) noexcept
 Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
std::int32_t getTimeNanoPart () const noexcept
 Returns microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this order.
std::int32_t getSequence () const noexcept
 Returns sequence number of this order to distinguish orders that have the same time.
void setSequence (std::int32_t sequence)
 Changes sequence number of this order.
std::int64_t getTimeNanos () const noexcept
 Returns time of this order in nanoseconds.
void setTimeNanos (std::int64_t timeNanos) noexcept
 Changes time of this order.
const OrderActiongetAction () const &noexcept
 Returns order action if available, otherwise - OrderAction::UNDEFINED.
void setAction (const OrderAction &action) noexcept
 Changes action of this order.
std::int64_t getActionTime () const noexcept
 Returns time of the last action.
void setActionTime (std::int64_t actionTime) noexcept
 Changes time of the last action.
std::int64_t getOrderId () const noexcept
 Returns order ID if available.
void setOrderId (std::int64_t orderId) noexcept
 Changes order ID.
std::int64_t getAuxOrderId () const noexcept
 Returns auxiliary order ID if available:
void setAuxOrderId (std::int64_t auxOrderId) noexcept
 Changes auxiliary order ID.
double getPrice () const noexcept
 Returns price of this order.
void setPrice (double price) noexcept
 Changes price of this order.
double getSize () const noexcept
 Returns size of this order.
void setSize (double size) noexcept
 Changes size of this order.
bool hasSize () const noexcept
 Returns true if this order has some size (sizeAsDouble is neither 0 nor NaN).
double getExecutedSize () const noexcept
 Returns executed size of this order.
void setExecutedSize (double executedSize) noexcept
 Changes executed size of this order.
std::int64_t getCount () const noexcept
 Returns number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
void setCount (std::int64_t count) noexcept
 Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
std::int64_t getTradeId () const noexcept
 Returns trade (order execution) ID for events containing trade-related action.
void setTradeId (std::int64_t tradeId) noexcept
 Changes trade ID.
double getTradePrice () const noexcept
 Returns trade price for events containing trade-related action.
void setTradePrice (double tradePrice) noexcept
 Changes trade price.
double getTradeSize () const noexcept
 Returns trade size for events containing trade-related action.
void setTradeSize (double tradeSize) noexcept
 Changes trade size.
std::int16_t getExchangeCode () const noexcept
 Returns exchange code of this order.
std::string getExchangeCodeString () const noexcept
 Returns exchange code of this order as UTF8 string.
void setExchangeCode (char exchangeCode)
 Changes exchange code of this order.
void setExchangeCode (std::int16_t exchangeCode) noexcept
 Changes exchange code of this order.
const SidegetOrderSide () const &noexcept
 Returns side of this order.
void setOrderSide (const Side &side) noexcept
 Changes side of this order.
const ScopegetScope () const &noexcept
 Returns scope of this order.
void setScope (const Scope &scope) noexcept
 Changes scope of this order.
std::string baseFieldsToString () const noexcept
 Returns string representation of this order event's fields.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MarketEvent
const std::string & getEventSymbol () const &noexcept override
 Returns symbol of this event.
const std::optional< std::string > & getEventSymbolOpt () const &noexcept override
 Returns symbol of this event.
void setEventSymbol (const std::string &eventSymbol) noexcept override
 Changes symbol of this event.
std::int64_t getEventTime () const noexcept override
 Returns time when event was created or zero when time is not available.
void setEventTime (std::int64_t eventTime) noexcept override
 Changes event creation time.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SharedEntity
template<typename T >
bool is () const noexcept
 Checks that pointer to the current type could be converted to type T* In other words: whether type T belongs to the type hierarchy in which the current type resides.
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< T > sharedAs () noexcept
 Returns a pointer to the current object wrapped in a smart pointer to type T.
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< T > sharedAs () const noexcept
 Returns a pointer to the current object wrapped in a smart pointer to type T.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Entity
virtual ~Entity () noexcept=default
 The default virtual d-tor.

Static Public Member Functions

static Ptr fromGraal (void *graalNative)
 Creates an object of the current type and fills it with data from the the dxFeed Graal SDK structure.
static void freeGraal (void *graalNative)
 Releases the memory occupied by the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Order
static Ptr fromGraal (void *graalNative)
 Creates an object of the current type and fills it with data from the the dxFeed Graal SDK structure.
static void freeGraal (void *graalNative)
 Releases the memory occupied by the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).

Static Public Attributes

static const EventTypeEnumTYPE = EventTypeEnum::ANALYTIC_ORDER
 Type identifier and additional information about the current event class.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Order
static const EventTypeEnumTYPE = EventTypeEnum::ORDER
 Type identifier and additional information about the current event class.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from OrderBase
static constexpr std::uint32_t MAX_SEQUENCE = (1U << 22U) - 1U
 Maximum allowed sequence value.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IndexedEvent
static const EventFlag TX_PENDING = EventFlag::TX_PENDING
 0x01 - A bitmask to get transaction pending indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
static const EventFlag REMOVE_EVENT = EventFlag::REMOVE_EVENT
 0x02 - A bitmask to get removal indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
static const EventFlag SNAPSHOT_BEGIN = EventFlag::SNAPSHOT_BEGIN
 0x04 - A bitmask to get snapshot begin indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
static const EventFlag SNAPSHOT_END = EventFlag::SNAPSHOT_END
 0x08 - A bitmask to get snapshot end indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
static const EventFlag SNAPSHOT_SNIP = EventFlag::SNAPSHOT_SNIP
 0x10 - A bitmask to get snapshot snip indicator from the value of eventFlags property.
static const EventFlag SNAPSHOT_MODE = EventFlag::SNAPSHOT_MODE
 0x40 - A bitmask to set snapshot mode indicator into the value of eventFlags property.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MarketEvent
 MarketEvent (std::string eventSymbol) noexcept
 Protected constructor for concrete implementation classes that initializes eventSymbol property.

Detailed Description

Represents an extension of Order introducing analytic information, e.g.

adding to this order iceberg related information (icebergPeakSize, icebergHiddenSize, icebergExecutedSize). The collection of analytic order events of a symbol represents the most recent analytic information that is available about orders on the market at any given moment of time.

Analytic order is similar to a regular Order. In addition this event has few additional properties:

  • icebergPeakSize - the size of the peak, i.e. the visible part of the iceberg, that is being continually refilled until the order is fully traded or cancelled;
  • icebergHiddenSize - the prediction of current hidden size of the iceberg, as inferred by the model;
  • icebergExecutedSize - the executed size of the iceberg order. For IcebergType::SYNTHETIC type represents total executed size of all orders composing current iceberg;
  • AnalyticOrder::getIcebergType() - type of the iceberg, either native (exchange-managed) or synthetic (managed outside of the exchange).

Implementation details

This event is implemented on top of QDS records AnalyticOrder#<source-id>, where <source-id> is up to 4 ASCII characters with a mnemonic for the source like "GLBX".

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AnalyticOrder()

AnalyticOrder::AnalyticOrder ( std::string eventSymbol)

Creates new analytic order event with the specified event symbol.

eventSymbolThe event symbol.

Member Function Documentation

◆ freeGraal()

void AnalyticOrder::freeGraal ( void * graalNative)

Releases the memory occupied by the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).

graalNativeThe pointer to the dxFeed Graal SDK structure.

◆ fromGraal()

std::shared_ptr< AnalyticOrder > AnalyticOrder::fromGraal ( void * graalNative)

Creates an object of the current type and fills it with data from the the dxFeed Graal SDK structure.

graalNativeThe pointer to the dxFeed Graal SDK structure.
The object of current type.

◆ getIcebergExecutedSize()

double AnalyticOrder::getIcebergExecutedSize ( ) const

Returns iceberg executed size of this analytic order.

iceberg executed size of this analytic order.

◆ getIcebergHiddenSize()

double AnalyticOrder::getIcebergHiddenSize ( ) const

Returns iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.

iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.

◆ getIcebergPeakSize()

double AnalyticOrder::getIcebergPeakSize ( ) const

Returns iceberg peak size of this analytic order.

iceberg peak size of this analytic order.

◆ getIcebergType()

const IcebergType & AnalyticOrder::getIcebergType ( ) const &

Returns iceberg type of this analytic order.

iceberg type of this analytic order.

◆ setIcebergExecutedSize()

void AnalyticOrder::setIcebergExecutedSize ( double icebergExecutedSize)

Changes iceberg executed size of this analytic order.

icebergExecutedSizeiceberg executed size of this analytic order.

Referenced by withIcebergExecutedSize().

◆ setIcebergHiddenSize()

void AnalyticOrder::setIcebergHiddenSize ( double icebergHiddenSize)

Changes iceberg hidden size of this analytic order.

icebergHiddenSizeiceberg hidden size of this analytic order.

Referenced by withIcebergHiddenSize().

◆ setIcebergPeakSize()

void AnalyticOrder::setIcebergPeakSize ( double icebergPeakSize)

Changes iceberg peak size of this analytic order.

icebergPeakSizeiceberg peak size of this analytic order.

Referenced by withIcebergPeakSize().

◆ setIcebergType()

void AnalyticOrder::setIcebergType ( const IcebergType & icebergType)

Changes iceberg type of this analytic order.

icebergTypeiceberg type of this analytic order.

Referenced by withIcebergType().

◆ toGraal()

void * AnalyticOrder::toGraal ( ) const

Allocates memory for the dxFeed Graal SDK structure (recursively if necessary).

Fills the dxFeed Graal SDK structure's fields by the data of the current entity (recursively if necessary). Returns the pointer to the filled structure.

The pointer to the filled dxFeed Graal SDK structure

Implements EventType.

◆ toString()

std::string AnalyticOrder::toString ( ) const

Returns a string representation of the current object.

a string representation

Reimplemented from SharedEntity.

◆ withAction()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withAction ( const OrderAction & action)

Changes action of this analytic order and returns it.

actionThe side of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withAction().

◆ withActionTime()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withActionTime ( std::int64_t actionTime)

Changes time of the last action and returns current analytic order.

actionTimeThe last order action time.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withActionTime().

◆ withAuxOrderId()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withAuxOrderId ( std::int64_t auxOrderId)

Changes auxiliary order ID.

Returns the current analytic order.

auxOrderIdThe auxiliary order ID.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withAuxOrderId().

◆ withCount()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withCount ( std::int64_t count)

Changes number of individual orders in this aggregate order.

Returns the current analytic order.

countThe number of individual orders in this aggregate order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withCount().

◆ withEventFlags() [1/2]

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withEventFlags ( const EventFlagsMask & eventFlags)

Changes transactional event flags and returns the current analytic order.

See EventFlag "Event Flags" section.

eventFlagstransactional event flags' mask.
The current analytic order.

◆ withEventFlags() [2/2]

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withEventFlags ( std::int32_t eventFlags)

Changes transactional event flags and returns the current analytic order.

See EventFlag "Event Flags" section.

eventFlagstransactional event flags.
The current analytic order.

◆ withEventSymbol()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withEventSymbol ( const std::string & eventSymbol)

Changes event's symbol and returns the current analytic order.

eventSymbolThe symbol of this event.
The current analytic order.

Reimplemented from Order.

References Order::withEventSymbol().

◆ withEventTime()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withEventTime ( std::int64_t eventTime)

Changes event's creation time and returns the current analytic order.

eventTimethe difference, measured in milliseconds, between the event creation time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withEventTime().

◆ withExchangeCode() [1/2]

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withExchangeCode ( char exchangeCode)

Changes exchange code of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

exchangeCodeThe exchange code of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

◆ withExchangeCode() [2/2]

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withExchangeCode ( std::int16_t exchangeCode)

Changes exchange code of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

exchangeCodeThe exchange code of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

◆ withExecutedSize()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withExecutedSize ( double executedSize)

Changes executed size of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

executedSizeThe executed size of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withExecutedSize().

◆ withIcebergExecutedSize()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withIcebergExecutedSize ( double icebergExecutedSize)

Changes iceberg executed size and returns the current analytic order.

icebergExecutedSizeiceberg executed size of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References setIcebergExecutedSize().

◆ withIcebergHiddenSize()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withIcebergHiddenSize ( double icebergHiddenSize)

Changes iceberg hidden size and returns the current analytic order.

icebergHiddenSizeiceberg hidden size of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References setIcebergHiddenSize().

◆ withIcebergPeakSize()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withIcebergPeakSize ( double icebergPeakSize)

Changes iceberg peak size and returns the current analytic order.

icebergPeakSizeiceberg peak size of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References setIcebergPeakSize().

◆ withIcebergType()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withIcebergType ( const IcebergType & icebergType)

Changes iceberg type and returns the current analytic order.

icebergTypeiceberg type of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References setIcebergType().

◆ withIndex()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withIndex ( std::int64_t index)

Changes unique per-symbol index of this analytic order and returns it.

Note, that this method also changes source, whose id occupies highest bits of index. Use OrderBase::setSource() after invocation of this method to set the desired value of source.

indexunique per-symbol index of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withIndex().

◆ withMarketMaker()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withMarketMaker ( std::string marketMaker)

Changes market maker or other aggregate identifier of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

marketMakerThe market maker or other aggregate identifier of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

◆ withOrderId()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withOrderId ( std::int64_t orderId)

Changes order ID.

Returns the current analytic order.

orderIdThe order ID.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withOrderId().

◆ withOrderSide()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withOrderSide ( const Side & side)

Changes side of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

sideThe side of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withOrderSide().

◆ withPrice()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withPrice ( double price)

Changes price of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

priceThe price of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withPrice().

◆ withScope()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withScope ( const Scope & scope)

Changes scope of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

scopeThe scope of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withScope().

◆ withSequence()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withSequence ( std::int32_t sequence)

Changes sequence number of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

sequencethe sequence.
The current analytic order.
See also

References Order::withSequence().

◆ withSize()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withSize ( double size)

Changes size of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

sizeThe size of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withSize().

◆ withSource()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withSource ( const OrderSource & source)

Changes event's source and returns the current analytic order.

This method changes highest bits of the index of this event.

sourcesource of this event.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withSource().

◆ withTime()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withTime ( std::int64_t time)

Changes time of this analytic order and returns it.

Time is measured in milliseconds between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

timetime of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withTime().

◆ withTimeNanoPart()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withTimeNanoPart ( std::int32_t timeNanoPart)

Changes microseconds and nanoseconds time part of this analytic order.

Returns the current analytic order.

timeNanoPartmicroseconds and nanoseconds time part of this analytic order.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withTimeNanoPart().

◆ withTimeNanos()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withTimeNanos ( std::int64_t timeNanos)

Changes time of this analytic order and returns it.

Time is measured in nanoseconds between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

timeNanosThe time of this analytic order in nanoseconds.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withTimeNanos().

◆ withTradeId()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withTradeId ( std::int64_t tradeId)

Changes trade ID.

Returns the current analytic order.

tradeIdThe trade ID.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withTradeId().

◆ withTradePrice()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withTradePrice ( double tradePrice)

Changes trade price.

Returns the current analytic order.

tradePriceThe trade price.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withTradePrice().

◆ withTradeSize()

AnalyticOrder & AnalyticOrder::withTradeSize ( double tradeSize)

Changes trade size.

Returns the current analytic order.

tradeSizeThe trade size.
The current analytic order.

References Order::withTradeSize().